Suicidal Risk Following Hospital Discharge: A Review
Learning objectives After participating in this activity, learners should be better able to: • Evaluate risk of suicide and suicide attempts following psychiatric hospitalization • Assess the relationship between suicide attempts and completed suicides Background Suicidal risks among psychiatric patients appear to be especially high soon after hospitalization. Given the importance of such outcomes, and the lack of recent reviews of post-discharge suicide attempt risks, we evaluated reported findings on the risk of suicide and attempts following psychiatric hospitalization. Methods With systematic, computerized searching, we identified 48 studies (1964–2017) involving 1,700,785 subjects. Follow-up was limited to ≥12 months after discharge from psychiatric hospitalization to avoid inflation of annualized rates due to shorter exposure times. Results The overall observed pooled, annualized rate of completed suicide was 241 (confidence interval, 238–243) per 100,000 person-exposure years in 41 studies, and for attempts, 722 (698–746) in 13 studies. In six studies (64,848 subjects) reporting on both suicides and attempts, the ratio of annualized rates for attempts/completed suicides was 8.79 (6.63–12.0). Among all 48 studies, cumulative distribution of suicidal events included 26.4% (25.9–26.9) within the initial month, 40.8% (40.2–41.4) within 3 months, and 73.2% (72.7–73.7) within 12 months of discharge. Conclusions Among patients recently discharged from psychiatric hospitalization, rates of suicide deaths and attempts were far higher than in the general population or even in unselected clinical samples of comparable patients, with a strong inverse association with time post-discharge. Improved monitoring and care of patients discharged from psychiatric hospitalization are needed, ideally with detailed planning and implementation of aftercare prior to discharge.
A Meta-analysis and Systematic Review of Emotion-Regulation Strategies in Borderline Personality Disorder
Emotion dysregulation is often considered a core characteristic of individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD). With the development and strength of a contemporary affective-science model that encompasses both healthy emotion regulation (ER) and emotion dysregulation, this model has increasingly been used to understand the affective experiences of people with BPD. In this meta-analysis and review, we systematically review six of the most commonly studied ER strategies and determine their relative endorsement in individuals with elevated symptoms of BPD compared to individuals with low symptoms of BPD and healthy controls, as well as to individuals with other mental disorders. Results from 93 unique studies and 213 different effect-size estimates indicated that symptoms of BPD were associated with less frequent use of ER strategies that would be considered more effective at reducing negative affect (i.e., cognitive reappraisal, problem solving, and acceptance) and more frequent use of ER strategies considered less effective at reducing negative affect (i.e., suppression, rumination, and avoidance). When compared to individuals with other mental disorders, people with BPD endorsed higher rates of rumination and avoidance, and lower rates of problem solving and acceptance. We also review important contributions from studies of ER in BPD that we were unable to incorporate into our meta-analysis. We conclude by discussing how the pattern of using ER strategies in BPD contributes to emotion dysregulation and also the potential reasons for this pattern, integrating both Gross's extended process model of ER and Linehan's updated theoretical account on the development of emotion dysregulation.
Competitive Bodybuilding: Fitness, Pathology, or Both?
The sport of competitive bodybuilding requires an intense regimen of weightlifting and dieting, often aided with muscle-building or fat-burning drugs, and culminating in an on-stage posing competition. Despite these rigorous demands, competitive bodybuilding is popular, with thousands of competitions performed annually around the world. Although many studies have addressed the psychological features of various sports and the athletes who compete in them, few have examined the psychological aspects of bodybuilding. Even fewer studies have specifically examined competitive bodybuilders, as opposed to the much larger group of "recreational" bodybuilders who do not compete. The limited available literature suggests that competitive bodybuilders may show an increased risk for four categories of psychopathology: muscle dysmorphia, eating disorders, abuse of appearance- and performance-enhancing drugs, and exercise dependence. However, in each of these categories, one must carefully distinguish between the planned and dedicated behaviors required for success in the sport, as opposed to frankly pathological behaviors that impair social or occupational function, cause subjective distress, or lead to adverse health consequences. Future work should attempt to better assess the nature and prevalence of these conditions among competitive bodybuilders, with perhaps greatest attention to the issue of drug use.
The Association Between Parental Depression and Child Psychosocial Intervention Outcomes: Directions for Future Research
Recent studies suggest that parental depressive symptoms may affect a child's ability to benefit from interventions for anxiety and depression. This article reviews the current literature, suggesting that, when parents experience current depressive symptoms, children are less likely to benefit from psychosocial interventions for anxiety and depression. Opportunities for future research are discussed, including moderators and mechanisms of the association between parental depressive symptoms and child intervention outcomes.
Globus Pharyngeus: Etiology, Taxonomy, and Response to Electroconvulsive Therapy No abstract available
A Brief History of Death and American Psychiatry No abstract available
Considering the Therapeutic Alliance in Digital Mental Health Interventions
No abstract available
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