Maintaining and Improving Psychological Well-Being No abstract available
Mediating Effects of Social Support on Depression and Suicidal Ideation in Older Korean Adults With Hypertension Who Live Alone
Background: Older adults who live alone are less physically and emotionally healthy and report higher levels of depression relative to those who do not live alone. Suicide is the most problematic health issue reported by older adults who live alone. In particular, vulnerable older adults who live alone experience difficulty obtaining self-care and medical services; therefore, early detection of depression is difficult, and there are few opportunities to implement suicide prevention strategies in this population. In addition, social support for depression is an important factor affecting illness and economic vulnerability in older adults who live alone. Purpose: This study aimed to examine the relationship between depression and suicidal ideation in vulnerable older Korean adults with hypertension and to explore the mediating effect of social support on this relationship. Methods: The study used a cross-sectional design. Vulnerable older adults who were 65 years old or older with hypertension and who received home visit services from a public health center were invited to participate. The participants completed structured questionnaires, including the 15-item Short-Form Geriatric Depression Scale, 12-item Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and 19-item Scale for Suicidal Ideation, and provided information regarding their demographic characteristics, health status, and economic status. Descriptive and correlation analyses were performed to examine the correlations among these variables. The three-step regression analysis method proposed by Baron and Kenny was used to examine the mediating effect of social support. Results: The mean depression, social support, and suicidal ideation scores of participants were 23.64 (± 2.04), 35.94 (± 15.40), and 7.80 (± 7.73), respectively. In addition, depression was negatively correlated with social support (r = −.27) and positively correlated with suicidal ideation (r = .21), whereas social support was negatively correlated with suicidal ideation (r = −.35). Social support mediated the relationship between depression and suicidal ideation (Z = 2.69). Conclusions: Social support was identified as an important variable for older adults with chronic illness who lived alone. Interventions that include social support hold the potential to reduce depression and suicidal ideation in this population.
Comparisons of Health Promoting Behavior, Depression, and Life Satisfaction Between Older Adults in Rural Areas in South Korea Living in Group Homes and at Home
Background: In South Korea, population aging is advancing at a more rapid rate in rural areas than urban areas, leading to a particularly high percentage of rural-dwelling older adults. Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine and compare health promoting behaviors, depression, and life satisfaction between rural-dwelling older adults who live, respectively, in group homes and at home. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study design was employed. Study participants included 160 older adults aged 65 years and older who were living in group homes (n = 80) and at home (n = 80) in Gyeonggi province, South Korea. The Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile-II was used to examine health promoting behaviors, the Korean Geriatric Depression Screening Scale was used to examine depression, and the Life Satisfaction Index was used to examine life satisfaction. Data were analyzed using SPSS Version 21.0. Results: The data showed significant differences between the two groups in terms of health promoting behaviors (t = −9.035, p < .001), depression (t = 20.861, p < .001), and life satisfaction (t = −12.153, p < .001). Conclusions/Implications for Practice: The mean scores for health promotion behaviors and life satisfaction were higher, and the mean score for depression was lower in the group-home group than the at-home group. The findings from this study may be employed as basic data for establishing residence-appropriate nursing intervention protocols for older adults living in rural areas.
Investigation of the Experiences of Mothers Living Through Prenatal Loss Incidents: A Qualitative Study
Background: Fetal death causes women to experience negative feelings after the loss. These lived experiences influence the future pregnancies and maternal health of women negatively. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the experiences of women whose pregnancies were terminated because of medical indications. Methods: A "design for definitive status study" type of qualitative research design was used. Ten women who were hospitalized between April and July 2017 at the Akdeniz University Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology and had subsequently experienced pregnancy loss during their hospitalization were enrolled as participants. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: The pregnancy loss experiences of participants were investigated under the five main themes of (a) lived experiences before the termination of pregnancy, (b) lived experiences after pregnancy termination, (c) willingness to see the baby after termination, (d) posttermination care requirements, and (e) physical condition of hospital rooms during hospitalization. The participants expressed feelings of hope, fear, and worry over being unsuccessful before fetal death and feelings of loneliness, disappointment, blame, and avoidance after fetal death. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: In the aftermath of fetal death, health professionals should use insightful and empathic communication skills to help mothers cope with their loss. In addition, some of the participants wanted to see their babies, and some did not. Thus, individualized care is very important for women who experience pregnancy loss.
Alcohol Consumption as a Moderator of Anxiety and Sleep Quality
Background: Although people who sleep poorly may attempt to relieve anxiety for better sleep quality, whether daily alcohol consumption is a factor that moderates anxiety and sleep disturbance is not known. Purpose: The aim of the study was to explore (a) the association between anxiety and sleep quality and (b) whether daily alcohol consumption acted as a moderator between anxiety and sleep quality in those who reported sleeping poorly. Methods: Eighty-four participants aged 20–80 years who reported poor sleep (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index > 5) in northern Taiwan were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. A structured questionnaire covering demographics (including daily alcohol consumption), level of anxiety, level of depression, and perceived sleep quality was used to collect data. Results: The participants were mostly women (72.6%). The mean age was 41.81 (SD = 12.62) years; 51.2%, 19.0%, 13.1%, and 14.3%, respectively, had minimal, mild, moderate, and severe anxiety. After adjusting for factors related to sleep quality using multiple regression analysis, receiving sleep therapy, consuming alcohol on a daily basis, and having anxiety were found to be predictors of poor sleep quality. Moreover, daily alcohol consumption was found to moderate the relationship between anxiety and sleep quality. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: People who sleep poorly should avoid misusing alcohol to self-treat poor sleep quality or anxiety and should instead utilize sleep hygiene education and mental healthcare. Daily alcohol consumption may be a moderator between anxiety status and sleep quality.
Predictors of Caregiver Burden in Caregivers of Bedridden Patients
Background Caregivers are at risk of experiencing caregiver burden. It is therefore important to determine the caregiver burden of caregivers who provide care to bedridden patients and related factors. Purpose The aim of this study was to determine the caregiver burden of caregivers who provide care to bedridden patients and the factors that impact this burden. Methods This cross-sectional study was executed at a state hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, on bedridden patients registered in the home healthcare unit and their caregivers. During study period, the researchers made 312 visits to patients and their caregivers. A sociodemographic questionnaire, the Burden Interview, and the Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics, an independent sample t test, one-way analysis of variance, and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. Results The participants reported a moderate level of caregiver burden. Existing caregiver health problems, caregiver employment status, the ability of the caregiver to maintain his or her own good health, type of home, and the degree of patient dependence in terms of activities of daily living were each found to be significant predictors of caregiver burden. Conclusions/Implications of Practice The support provided to caregivers by home healthcare units is important in terms of protecting the physical, mental, and social health conditions of caregivers and preventing the exacerbation of caregiver burden.
The Relationship Between the Quality of Work and Organizational Commitment of Prison Nurses
Background: Nurses working in prisons are exposed to security problems while serving those who may be uninterested in their own healthcare, face high risks of drug and alcohol addiction, and may have aggressive personalities. For this reason, nurses working in prisons may have more problems with work-related quality of life than their non-prison-nurse peers. Purpose: This descriptive research study was conducted to evaluate the work-related quality of life and organizational commitment of nurses who work at prisons and detention centers. Methods: According to 2015 data, approximately 513 nurses currently work in prisons in Turkey. The study group consisted of 224 nurses who currently work in prisons or detention centers. The data were collected by sending a created link address to the e-mail addresses of nurses who work in these facilities. A 13-item sociodemographic information form, including a demographics datasheet, a work-related quality of life scale, and an organizational commitment scale, was used to collect data. Results: The participants reported a moderate level of work-related quality of life and organizational commitment. Moreover, work-related quality of life was shown to affect organizational commitment, with 20% of the total variance in organizational commitment explained by work-related quality of life. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: This study supports that work-related quality of life affects organizational commitment positively. Therefore, regulating working conditions by taking into consideration employee security will positively affect job satisfaction in terms of both the institution and the employee. Moreover, as nurses do not only work in hospitals, taking this action should also work in different settings. Administrators should ensure the work-related quality of life of the prison nurses by understanding the difficulties of prison nursing.
Stress, Workplace Violence, and Burnout in Nurses Working in King Abdullah Medical City During Al-Hajj Season
Background: The Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the largest mass gatherings in the world, is associated with various challenges for nurses. One of these challenges is increased levels of workplace violence. Therefore, handling and mitigating workplace violence against nurses during Hajj, when nurses face a higher risk of violence and most experience stress and burnout, is of particular importance. Purpose: The aims of this study were to identify the types and sources of workplace violence, examine the relationship between burnout in nurses and the variables of stress and workplace violence, and identify from the perspective of nurses measures to effectively handle and mitigate these issues during Hajj season. Methods: This study used a descriptive correlational design. A convenience sample of 118 nurses completed the Perceived Stress Scale, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and the modified version of the Joint Programme on Workplace Violence in the Health Sector published by the International Labour Office in Geneva. Data analysis was done using an independent samples t test and Pearson product–moment correlation. Results: One hundred eighteen nurses completed the study. Over two thirds (65%) were female, and 56% reported experiencing at least one type of violence, of which bullying/mobbing, racial harassment, threats, and physical violence accounted for 61%, 15%, 12%, and 12%, respectively. Nurse managers displayed violent behaviors against 54% of the participants. Participants reported high levels of stress and burnout. A positive relationship was found between stress and emotional exhaustion (r = .387, p < .01). Providing effective security measures and staff training regarding how to deal with violence at the workplace were the main measures identified to help reduce workplace violence. Conclusions: Providing effective security measures and tailored intervention programs addressing how to deal with violence in the workplace may enable nurses to handle violent behaviors more effectively.
Using a Text Mining Approach to Explore the Recording Quality of a Nursing Record System
Background: Most nursing records in Taiwan have been computerized, resulting in a large amount of unstructured text data. The quality of these records has rarely been discussed. Purpose: This study used a text mining method to analyze the quality of a nursing record system to establish an auditing model and associated tools for nursing records, with the ultimate objective of improving the quality of electronic nursing records. Methods: This study utilized a retrospective method to collect the electronic nursing records of 6,277 patients who had been discharged from the internal medicine departments of a medical center in northern Taiwan from January to June 2014. SAS Enterprise Guide Version 6.1 and SAS Text Miner Version 13.2 software were used to perform text mining. Nursing experts were invited to examine the electronic nursing records. The text mining results were compared against a benchmark that was developed by the experts, and the efficiency of SAS Text Miner was examined using the criteria of specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy. Results: In this study, 27,356 nurse-formulated events were used in the analysis. The results of the nurse-formulated events showed an 8.08% similar error with system-formulated events, 29.72% were identified as necessary and appropriate names, 17.53% were retained, 10.15% involved error event names, and 34.52% were not classified. In this study, the sensitivity of SAS text mining in the training (testing) data set was 96% (95%), and the specificity and accuracy were both 99% (99%). Conclusions: The results of this study show that text mining is an effective approach to auditing the quality of electronic nursing records. SAS Text Miner software was shown to identify inappropriate nursing record content quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, the results of this study may be included in in-service education teaching materials to promote the writing of better nursing records to improve the quality of electronic nursing records.
Frail Phenotype and Disability Prediction in Community-Dwelling Older People: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies
Background: The World Health Organization has identified frailty as a crucial factor affecting successful aging. Systematic literature reviews have yet to focus on the relationship between stages of frailty and disability in community-dwelling older adults. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between various frailty types and disability in community-dwelling older adults and to explore how various frailty criteria have been used to assess disability in this population. Methods: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis were conducted on articles from the following databases: Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PubMed, and Ovid. Database search criteria included articles that were published between January 2001 and July 2017 and study samples that included community-dwelling adults aged 60 years and older. We excluded studies that were conducted in institutions or hospitals and experimental studies on frailty. Two reviewers independently assessed eligibility and extracted data. A random-effects model was used to analyze the literature and to calculate the pooled disability of frailty. Results: In total, nine studies with a total sample of 32,998 participants that recorded 8,666 disabilities and a mean follow-up time of 30.4 months (SD = 29.26) were pooled for the meta-analysis. Using various indicators to predict the risk of disability compared with robust older adults, those with frailty faced a higher risk of disability, followed by older adults at risk of frailty. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Frailty is a crucial health consideration among older adults. Those who are frail have the highest relative risk of disability, followed by those at risk of frailty. Early assessment of frailty may effectively prevent the occurrence of frailty-induced disability in older adults.
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